Sage and I had planned to scope out the scene along the Mill City Ruins and stone arch bridge (there is construction work being done on the bridge, and if worse came to worse, I knew that the construction workers would throw us a bone). On my way to pick up Sage, however, my eyes fell upon the most attractive guy running on West Riverparkway. My previous plan to scope out the Mill City Ruins was chucked out the window and our course altered: West Riverparkway it is. This guy knew how to run and make it look good. I have come to realize that this is much harder than it sounds. Most people I pass look as if they are either: 1) about to die or 2) about to poop. Neither of which is an attractive look. These are the people you want to avoid and definitely not walk behind. It is bad enough having to pick up after Sage.

This guy, let's call him Hercules, was running at a moderate pace. Too fast for me to see if he was wearing a wedding band, but slow enough to appreciate his 'dedication to fitness' and for me to decide that I would happily be his affair if needed. 

Judging  by his speed, I only had 5 minutes to drive to Sage's house, slap a collar on him, then to drive back and park far enough ahead  so that we could meet Hercules along the path. I threw open the car door and sprinted into the house, trying to communicate the need for speed to Sage's owner and the no-need for Sage's missing ID tags. I mean, even if he does get lost, it would be a great opening line for me to use on Hercules. Rule #64:  Love is a risky game. Sometimes you may have to let your dog off the leash, or fall in front of a bike to make a guy notice you. As long as you and your dog have insurance,  it's worth it.

After parking in what I can only guess was someone's driveway or a tow away zone, Sage and I hit the path running (definitely looked like I was dying). After slowing down the pace to one that  was fast enough to make my hair blow back in the wind yet slow enough to assure that I would not pass out, WE SAW HIM. Sage's tail wagged and mine did too! He was even more attractive up close. I smiled his way and manage to say, "Hi". He followed with a "Hey" and slowed down his pace...

Want to know what happened next?  'like'  and 'share' Sage on FB to unlock the story. 

 DOUBLE-TAKE: when you need a minute for formulate your thoughts and censor your words

Ummmm no, this is not Hercules, but rather a (male) character Sage and I met on the walk, and the first subject of our blog's "Double Take." Post a caption or comment describing the picture. 

10/22/2012 07:00:51 am

....This seems like more of a 'hair down' outfit. Anyone knows that.

10/22/2012 01:30:56 pm

his inner dialog: "perhaps the be-dazzeled thong was a bad choice...but it went with my jacket sooooooo well."

10/22/2012 01:33:16 pm

"Ground control to Major Tom...."


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    Want to know what happened with me and Hercules? Share Sage on FB with your friends to unlock the story!


    October 2012

